The Banī Isrāʾīl Were Upon Islām and Tawhīd Prior to the Development of 'Judaism' The Qurʾān distinguishes between the Banī Isrāʾīl as a people--who are the Asbāt, the Tribes, the sons and offspring of Ya'qūb (alayhis salām)--and between Judaism as a religion. The religion of Banī Isrā'īl was that of their forefather, Ibrahīm (alayhis salām), it was Islām, Tawḥīd, Hanīfiyyah. Ya'qūb was the son of Isḥāq (alayhis salām), the son of Ibrāhīm (alayhis salām), and is given the title of Asīr ʾīl (Servant of God), or Isrāʾīl. He gave birth to the Twelve Tribes (Asbāt) through his twelve sons. They were upon Islām and Allāh raised them over other nations due to their uprightness and firmness upon Tawhīd in that period of time. Download PDF.