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Article with tag: "Torah"

Ibn Hazm (d. 456H) on the Torah: A Human Authored History and Not Revelation from Allāh
It is now no longer claimed that the current Torah is the very Torah of Moses (ʿalayhis salām) as it is affirmed by the Jews that the Torah that is in their hands was actually authored by Ezra and others. ... Read more »
How the Torah of the Jews Became Corrupted: Part 1: From Moses to the United Kingdom
One must understand the history of recurring disbelief and idolatry that Banī Isrāʾīl fell into in order to appreciate how it is impossible for them to have in their hands, the original Torah of Mūsā (ʿalayhis salām) ... Read more »
How the Torah of the Jews Became Corrupted: Part 2: The Kingdom of Judah
Part 1 covered the period after Mūsā (ʿalayhis salām) to Shāwil (Saul) and indicated occurrences of wholesale apostacy seven times, collectively lasting for over a 100 years. In this article we cover the period of the separation of the Kingdom of Banī Isrāʾīl after the Prophet Sulaymān (ʿalayhis salām). ... Read more »
How the Torah of the Jews Became Corrupted: Part 3: The Kingdom of the Ten Tribes
Part 2 covered the Kingdom of Judah for the 400 year period it lasted and it was replete with disbelief, apostasy and idol-worship. In this part, we look at the kingdom of the other ten tribes, whose situation was far worse than even that of Judah. ... Read more »
How the Torah of the Jews Became Corrupted: Part 4: The Captivity in Babylon and the Two Torahs
We are now in the setting of Babylon, the empire of the day, and the Banī Isrāʾīl (of both kingdoms) spent periods of time in exile after a history of reneging on Islām, Tawḥīd, the law, wallowing in kufr (disbelief) and shirk (polytheism) and being punished by the sacking of their kingdoms and having ... Read more »
How the Torah of the Jews Became Corrupted: Part 5: Evidence That Moses Did Not Write the Torah of the Jews
In this article, we present internal evidence that Mūsā (ʿalayhis salām) was not the author of the Torah possessed by the Jews from its actual contents. Much has been written on the subject, so we present the most salient points and arguments here. ... Read more »

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